Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to set in Details part by default 5 records even records are not available

Hi all,

I am facing a problem with the students report customization. Students will be selecting different subjects for different term(or semester). So for each semester also they can select max up to 5 subjects. So few students will take 2 subjects , few 5 subjects or 3 subjects... so the problem is while taking the report the report must not come according to their selection but according to 5 subjects or more.. so the students who took 1 subject or 5 subject will be getting the same format.. if u couldnt able to understand me... i am ready to send u the database and that report. I am attaching a report which was prepared by some one else... into that report it is working u can see the blanck space if the student took only 1 subject the remaining 4 space are coming blanck...i want in this way...pls help me if u knowHi,

I'm also searching solution For this. If u find the solution post here.

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